Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Solution to the Global World Financial Crisis of the US Dollar by Wildfeather

Noted economists have adequately described the grave financial problem existing in the global markets today as being caused by fiat money and a marked shift away from the United States Dollar as the primary reserve currency. We are told that confidence in the United States on many levels has dropped signficantly. Some have begun to view us as a wounded predator insanely harming anything in its path in desperate fear for its own survival. The words of the ancient Roman historian Livy seem true when he wrote that through lack of discipline and morals the people had come to a place where they could no longer bear the vice nor the cure. To this end, economists are telling, we have arrived and are now in the throws of a deep financial crisis. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

Our Strength
The United States of America in the world because our non profit organizations continue to enrich the lives of millions of people globally and are for the most part untaxed in that process. Some like to say that we are glutting ourselves at the expense of the rest of the world. I disagree with this position because our greatest strength to this point has been in the interdependent stance we have taken with others to provide billions of dollars in grants to people and organizations who know how to give both domestically and internationally. The nations of the world need to be reminded of this because it would appear that this is something they know very little about. And that this is an underlying principle upon which our wealth is founded. It will even the most advanced nations many more years to achieve what we have for so long endured in order to obtain. We have our own poverty, crime and social diseases perhaps because we have given too much to the wrong people. The ancient of Aristotle will clarify this condition. Other nations quickly assume evil things about us because they envy the wealth we possess unaware that such wealth is founded upon spiritual principles which manifests itself in the physical. We are a humane, liberated and forthright people. Our social structure are open and accountable. We guarantee the rights of all from unborn children, through the sexes, classes, races, creeds and ages. Our freedoms represented through our churches, fellowships, associations, societies, and other philanthropic and charity based organizations are the heart and lifeblood of America. The corporate cardiovascular system of this nation is quite strong and vital.

The Solution
We always have before us the option to “freely give”, and there is no law, or regulations against that, either natural or economic. Only the unnatural demands of greed stands in the way of giving. Andrew Carnegie has already proven by overpowering those tendencies and setting an example as the worlds most honored and noted philanthropist. True, in many sectors of our economy our giving has been with the intention of deriving "earnings" and showing a profit. What is wrong with that? Why is that so unholy? What value is there in doing anything at a loss for anyone? But, at this juncture in our economic struggles, I propose that we must give even more. We must give wisely and we must give without the obsessive intentions of seeing immediate earnings or profit knowing through faith in the principles of giving that we will indeed reap a handsome reward, and sooner than we might expect if we are wise enough. We need to pump from the more deeply grounded resources of intrinsic wealth in our people.

It has been said that "true wealth exists when we create energy and value for other human beings." It has been proven that in crisis one often comes to find the most liberating solutions. It was at a point of crisis that Samuel Adams made the unthinkable decision to stand firmly against the King and the armies of England. He made this decision alone and told his friends later. And you and I are free today because of it. They set in motion the engines of liberty for and entire nation and those engines have been revving ever since. Likewise, I believe the greatest wealth is at hand, i
f we thoughtfully, and dynamically believe in the wisdom of the ages that points to giving with confidence rather than hedging anxiously to secure our resources. But if we follow those who doubt and conspire nefarious and secret strategies for immediate solutions, we will plunge headlong into a desperate chasm of confusion and chaos just at the point of our greatest economic victory. That has always been the desire of the treacherous few. Therefore, it is my view, that we consider the greater means insuring our survival and that of the rest of the world by giving clean energy and power wholeheartedly to those whom we may have failed. At times of scarcity there is always going to be an abundance of "get" oriented thinkers with vain self serving solutions, but in our great land there is no dearth of "give" oriented thinkers who are fearless and most powerful in their ideas, guidance and disciplines to serve others. It is well within our reach and capacity at this time to solicit their views and to "give" new energy freely. I say again, it is well within our capacity.

Over one hundred and fifty years ago petroleum was sold as a cure for cancer, it stole people's live savings then just as it is robbing us of ours now. It was called snake oil back then. Little has changed. Before we drank it. Now we breath it. It is time for change before the snake devours us completely. Since then, certain families have profited by the global control of this snake oil promoting fossil fuels as the only available and economically feasible source of energy. They became our august benefactors. Oil was preferred because in truth it was a high demand resource which could easily be monopolized in mining and transportation. Oil became the establishment. However, there have always existed abundant alternate resources that would have insured and secured our democratic liberties and wealth because they would have fostered our individual independence and our social interdependence. Although delayed we as a free people must claim our rightful access to the available and virtually free resources of clean energy and we must begin to wean ourselves from oil which contaminates our precious atmosphere with toxic hydrocarbons. There is no one to blame ... no scapegoat but ourselves. We though we were benefiting and making progress. But, in the words of Robert Strange McNamarra, "We made mistakes." As Dante traveled with Virgil, the ambassador of reason,
it is time for our nation to lead the way out of the sickening stenches of oil, and upward toward Paradise. We must struggle again to find new paths through the mire of this dead oil based energy we have become accustomed to. We must now employ the ancient and omnipresent living energy found in the same gases which were present at the foundation of the universe. These sacred life emitting elements began with the initial words, "Let there be light."

Practical Alternative Energy Now
The solution to the financial crisis caused by greed is to freely give these life supporting substances for the health of the world. Those life generating substances are Hydrogen and Oxygen. These precious gases have been wonderfully and miraculously stored in drinking water. We are told drinking water is good for longevity and good health. It is consistent with the nature of the Creator to provide life in the common substances we must use. Removing these substances and substituting improper ones leads to death. Petroleum distillates are harmful to biology. Certainly oil has proven a cruel master. But, through the simple mechanical dissociation of hydrogen and oxygen we can release the secret power of the universe and foundational elements of life in a perfect two to one ratio easily and safely on demand. The energy that many people are generating today from water was once thought to require massive electrical input in order to obtain. I wonder why? Who has profited from this lie? Every minute oil is used as the common source of energy we the people die. China is suffering severely under this unnecessary burden. Who profits from this? By releasing ourselves from this dependence on oil we will sustain our lives in a greater health and happiness. By offering other nations the methods and means of shifting from the use of fossil fuel toward accessible energy found in the hydrogen and oxygen stored in water, I believe that we will rapidly and safely avert a financial decline.

Since 2004 the US Government has established the Hydrogen, fuel Cells & Infrastructure Technologies Program and funded it with a billion and a half dollars. Interestingly, there is no apparent research for "on-demand" delivery that I have been able to find, only for storage. Obviously, this approach will remove hydrogen one step further from the people and prevent us from being able to produce hydrogen on demand economically. It would seem that on demand private personal manufacture and use may be prohibited.

When we decide to release the expanding pressures in the economic balloon caused by avarice, fear and usury in effect we will be taking the pinch out of its neck and allowing some of the precious gases to emerge freely. Global savings will occur immediately. Some agencies are afraid to give energy to the people for fear that their earnings will be reduced. But the highest agencies of the United States has never shared such fears because right decisions are made by wise and mature leaders who think in terms of benefits in the long run. This will insure the earnings of Big Five in the future but differently than they would like at present and that is why they are at a loss for solutions. Because the solution is instantly available, inexpensive, technically feasible, and may be manufactured and implemented by millions in a matter of weeks. There is simply no profit in it for the big five on this basis. Yet, only on this basis do I find the solution out of the crisis. It is a grave security issue for the People of the United States at this point in time that the governing powers adapt an emergency plan to install in the automobiles of no less that ten million vehicles in the commercial and private sectors which will generate HHO or Brown gas, othewise known as Hydroxy, into the air intake region of as many combustion engines as possible. These gases have proven to have significant beneficial effects on the engine and the atmosphere. They will virtually increase fuel efficiency by over 50% in some cases, and require little modification to the sophisticated engine systems except a simple Electric Fuel Injection sensing modification that will properly adjust for the additional gases. These items are all in practical use today. The Stanley Meyer patents provide the technology needed to minimize the electrical input and maximize the gaseous output. No storage of these gases is necessary or recommended except by those who would have us beholden to proprietary interests. Each unit could be manufactured and distributed to the end user for under thirty dollars. They are as easily self installed or can be installed by licensed professionals in just a few minutes.

The Argument
There is some fear that if there should be any quick and massive movement in the direction of free accessible energy that this would cause a wide scale breakdown in the economy and the taxation generated from the sale of fossil fuel, taxation necessary to offset the enormous debts this nation has to pay. I disagree with this thinking because fossil fuel will continue to be used as the main source of energy. I believe that the reverse of a breakdown will occur because by relieving the pressure from the straining economic balloon, gas consumption of other nations will be relieved permitting them to save. Save, by the way is an important word. People mock when they hear the phrase "Jesus Saves". I wonder why? The people of the United States will save. The Big Five will definitely save stores of oil which is invariably money in the bank. OPEC will save their energy by scaling down production and achieving an equilibrium price. The market will save by regaining confidence in the United States' proving once again that it manifests the power of ingenuity and brilliance in the face of imminent disaster. I love that about US. And, lastly and most importantly, the natural world in which we live will save by renewing the air supply which sustains us all. Just as the marinas cleared themselves of the toxic waters causing friendly wildlife to reappear, so too will the earth replenish itself in the proper balance and stability required to sustain itself a life generating phenomena.

Bob Dylan once sang these words, "Truth is an arrow, and the way is narrow, but it passes through." May those who read this message take courage believing in the simplicity and in the spirit of wisdom may we achieve abundant health and happiness for all who dwell upon the earth. — Joseph Leonard Segreto, sometimes called, Wildfeather

For more on Hydrogen from an average sort of fellow the likes of which is being multiplied millions of times over all over the globe ... click on image to view video.


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