Saturday, December 18, 2010

The US President vs. The CEO.

The US President vs. The CEO. A President is an official elected by the media conditioned masses; a CEO is an official elected by the intelligent few. The President represents a government whose taxation is the bane of our existence. A CEO represents an industry whose products are and integral part of our daily lives.

Presidents continually sell out the naive public. CEOs sell us innovations that improve our health, efficiencies and personal comforts as an integral part of the public's daily lives and ratified by earnings derived through customer satisfaction and consumer benefits. The President sends our children to war. The CEO sends our children to training, college, and to others who can guide their careers to excellence through organization and sound collective efforts.

A former CEO of Carrier International once told me that he "was" the company. CEO bonuses are voted on by the boards of trustees based on measurable merits on all levels. They are like the a Carnegie or a Morgan. [I get into my fourteen y...ear old Pathfinder turn the key and go. When I need a part I can have it shipped in 24 hours from anywhere.] The great financial gap between the rich and poor is seen in the difference between what is required to govern a global company, and millions of consumers and those who have trouble governing themselves let alone thousands of employees.